UK handmade
Sustainably sourced
free delivery
save up to 20%

Up to 20% Saving when Bulk Buying from Crates & Boxes

At Crates and Boxes we try our hardest to keep costs down. We focus on efficiency and resources to ensure we pass on the best pricing to our customers. Many of our costs are out of our hands. Costs such as materials and transportation can vary often quite frequently. In trying to smooth out those variations, bulk buying can allow us to reduce our units costs. It is much the same for transportation. We subsidise our delivery costs where we can but you can benefit from this reduction by also purchasing in numbers where appropriate.

In this way we can offer a sliding scale of costs on our crates and boxes products which can offer you up to a further 20% discount from our great value pricing.

We are always looking at ways to offer you greater and greater value.

Industrial Purchases of Crates & Boxes

If you’re looking for commercial level purchasing contact our parent company Ligneus Products Limited

Ligneus Products Limited